Getting your headshots taken can be, as WestEndProducer recently stated, "one of the biggest life stresses a person can undergo". During our shoot I can, and will, make you feel comfortable and relaxed, but the run up can leave many a little lost and confused. This is why I have thrown together a few general rules that I have learned, practised and swear by for you to read and take into account.

Make Up:

Don't over-do it and try not to make your style too specific. It is great to have a certain amount of make up on but make sure you're not in your 'going out' style. Whatever you would wear into an audition is what you should wear in your shoot, but remember you can always put on more during our shoot together. If you fancy some photos in red lippy or with 'flicky' eyeliner, that can work for certain castings but remember it may also be completely wrong for others. Make sure each decision you make is a choice and not just because that's what you usually do.


My shoots are outside which means occasionally we are battling the wind. Running a small pinch of hair wax through the top layer of your hair can weigh it down just a little, making those wisps less prominent. Also please try not to do anything physical before the shoot as a post-gym/dance class shoot (It has happened!) will not look nearly as well put together as a shoot straight out of the salon/home. 


Bring your ENTIRE WARDROBE. Okay, maybe not the whole lot, but bringing a wide selection can be really good for us both. Sometimes something will look good in person but not so good on camera. On the other hand I have had clients in the past who brought a colourful top 'just because' and it turned out to be their favourite shot. Try and consider what colours will bring out your eyes, such as olive/green for brown eyes or blue/orange for blue eyes. A few black options is (in my opinion) a must for headshots, with a variety of necklines if you can get your hands on them. White has the potential to wash out light skinned clients but can look great on darker skin. I would also consider putting in a grey top as these tend to look particularly strong on camera.